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Creator III
Creator III

need help on drill down in bar charts...???

Hi experts,

we have a requirement , where we have to use the drill down feature in the Bar chart.

Ex: I have 2 kinds of students A and B.

      here I want to show their attendance with respect time so I will use Year , Quarter , Month and week in a drill down option and I will  use  that drill down as dimension.

Requirement is after going to least level that is week , if the user clicks on Bar he has to get the Reason for the Absence to a table format. ( we have the Reason column also in the table )

is it possible to get the details in a table format if the we click on particular bar.

please leave your comments on this.

Thanks in advance. and Don't hesitate to ask me if you need any clarification.

Best Regards,


2 Replies

Provide sample data..

You can use Straight Table or Table Box for Reason and use below as Conditional show in Layout Tab


Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Hi Vishal,

I understand your requirement, But some time we (developer) have to provide otherway to show the information to the enduser. Because enduser will not know the qlikview functions and capabilities.

I am thinking the otherway, why can't you add the student and reson in the drill down means after week it will show the particular week who are all absents? it will show the student name the next it will show the reason.

otherwise, you have to follow the manish mentioned way. use the conditional show.
