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Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Sorting issue in List box

Hi All,

We have uploaded the sales data from excel. The details contains monthly sales. We have created a List box for Month. Also I have mapped Month to another field called SL for displaying in the sequential order

Month SL

Jan 1

Feb 2

Mar 3

and so on.

In the list box of Month > Sort Tab>Expression box I have linked it to field SL so that the calendar months will be shows properly in the text box.

The problem I am having here is as soon as I select a month it is going to the last. for ex: If I select "Jan" as soon as I select, Jan is going to the last in the list box. I have deselected "State " checkbox also. But the issue is not resolved. Can you please let me know if anyone of you have faced the same issue.



4 Replies
Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III


Also in the sort option select State As Ascending...

Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Hi Deepak,

By doing so, any value selected is moving to the top. For example If I select May which is 5th in the sequential order is moving to 1st position.



Not applicable


I dont think there is a way of doing this, the only time that the selected item wont go to the top when selected is when all items in the listbox is visible.


Not applicable

In one of my apps I have solved it by setting Load order = Original under Sort