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Some Issues with C or CH uppercase and Number Qlikview return number


I have a problem with the values C uppercase and number like C001 or CH uppercase and a number like CH20 Qlikview return numbers and not text

C001->001 /  CH20->20

LOAD * INLINE [Test, condition, return
C001, C uper with number, number
c001, c lower with number,Text
CH20, CH uper with number, Number
ch20, ch lower with number, Text
C001A, C uper with number and text, text
CH26a, CH uper with number and text, text

Missmatch value.png

I'm doing an SQL SELECT * from and if I have values like CH100, C100 or 100 all these values will doesn't return  DUAL value but 100 in NUMBER and this mix the key and  i have a big miss match

I specify that my qlikview Locale is in French-speaking Switzerland and the OS and qlikview are English(United States)

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

This is because the money format has priority over the text

If i change this

SET MoneyFormat='CHF # ##0.00;CHF -# ##0.00';

by this

SET MoneyFormat='# ##0.00 CHF;-# ##0.00 CHF ';

This will solve the problem


Solution found by Qlik technical support

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3 Replies
Former Employee
Former Employee

This appears to be something specific or a software defect in the version you are running.  I used you script to run things in 12.40 SR1 and everything is loading as text in my case, I am not getting mixed values, all values in the Test dimension are left justified in the Table Box object I loaded things.  

Given this, I would say you may need to open a support case on this one, so we can try to figure out what is going on with things.  I am based in US and using English etc., no mixed environment as you have, so that would be the other possibility here, something is being misinterpreted because of the mixture of things, but I am not sure how how to go about sorting that out! 🙂  Sorry I am not more help.  Shout back if you have questions.



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I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi, What version are you using?



This is because the money format has priority over the text

If i change this

SET MoneyFormat='CHF # ##0.00;CHF -# ##0.00';

by this

SET MoneyFormat='# ##0.00 CHF;-# ##0.00 CHF ';

This will solve the problem


Solution found by Qlik technical support