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Section Access - Limits to Filtered data (why?)

I am implementing section access that restricts certain roles to specific data values.

I am not implementing anything in section access against my time dimension.   However, I have a filter that I have defaulted to the last 13 months worth of data on a slider.    The user can step back in time by dragging/expanding the slider.

After I publish all the users (even admin/super users) can only see the 13 months worth of data as being available to them to choose.

I'm not telling it to filter out the data, is it doing it because I had a current selection set to the last 13 months when I ran the script?   How do I stop it from doing whatever its doing?

3 Replies


do you have that filter you speak of in the script or is it just a selection on the GUI?

In the latter case - even if you have a default_selection applied when the sheet is opened - that should not affect other users as the SA is in the script and if the script doesn't filter the data, they should have it all.

Not applicable

Yes - that is what I would expect but I'm not seeing that.   There is nothing in the script that is filtering the time dimension and the other data that is being filtered is not time bound - you have all values in all time frames so it is not an associative filter.

I'll go back to the script and check line by line to see if I missed something.  It seems very curious that it just happens to cut the data down to exactly what I have filtered in the GUI.

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I'm almost certain it is tied to the GUI selection when I published.

I just removed the selection, republished and the entire time frame now shows... but of course it is unfiltered.