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Direct query with image blob data

Hi all,

Does anyone have any thoughts on whether this should be possible, and if so, how?

I have a data source with approximately 25GB of image data, stored in in image blob format in a table. I have been able to load a small portion of it into a Qlikview application using INFO LOAD and that works fine and displays the image. I dont really want to replicate 25GB of data, either on to disk (although I would consider that if anyone has any tips) and I certainly dont want to load 25GB of image data into the application itself.

I recently stumbled across direct query and have been able to set up a query to read directly from the table when a single record is selected. Unfortunately though, the data displays as a string and not as an image, which I fully understand why, but would like to change. Should I be able to combine the INFO LOAD with the DIRECT QUERY statements to only pull an image from the DB when it is requested to be displayed?

Thanks as always,

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