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Carriage return in a Title

I have noticed that I'm not able to manipulate the Title of a Textbox by adding a Chr(13) like you can in the Actual textbox.  For example, lets say the you want a Title to be displayed in two lines and the same size and weight.  Like

TITLE Line number one

TITLE Line number two

If you set the title fx to be 'TITLE Line number one ' & Chr(13) & 'Title line number two' , the &Chr(13) is ignored and instead the title is displayed like:

TITLE Line number one TITLE line number two

While you could add a second line as a subtitle, the font size and weight are smaller and do not appear to be able to be modified to match.

TITLE Line number one

TITLE Line number two

Has anyone ran into this situation and found a solution?

Thoughts / Ideas / Comments?

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

The screenshot is QlikSense. There is different functionality in QS vs QV and creating multi-line captions like this is one option that does not exist in sense.

View solution in original post

13 Replies
Master III
Master III

Did you try chr (10) ?


I always use chr(10)  for a carriage return, not chr(13)

Not applicable

Yes, I tried Chr(10) and Chr(13). 

Not applicable

Neither seem to work in the title or subtitle


could you attach a print screen or, better a .qvw of your problem?

Not applicable


Not applicable

In the above image, the goal it to take the date " 10/21/2015" and put that on a line below with the same font & size.  I say this because I could put the date portion in a subtitle, but that is smaller font and lighter grey.


The '&Chr(13)' has no effect

Master III
Master III


Did you try multiline option in caption tab?

Master III
Master III

Try multiline - in caption tab with 2 lines