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Configurable ODBC


Does anyone work with the configurable ODBC of DSC?

I succeded in the creation of the tables (users and groups) following the intructions of the manual, I also have assigned the user to a access a document but, what I don't undersand is how you can login into QlikView access point, because I don't have any password information. Moreover I cannot find any groups anywhere in QEMC.


4 Replies
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The login to accesspoint depends on the qlikview server version and edition you are running, for example, with the Small Business Edition you can only use the Windows Active Directory either local or on domain, meaning that you have to create local windows users within the server or take advantage of a previously created AD. When using the Enterprise Edition, you have the Windows option and also the possibility to connect directly to most of the LDAP type AD's.

Hope this helps.


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We are running QlikView 10 SR1 Enterprise.

And yes, we succeded connecting QlikView with AD and local users, but we are trying the configurable ODBC option to store our users/groups in an independent database.

I was just to know if anyone worked with ODBC option.


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I've got the same problem. I have created a Configurable ODBC in QEMC. Assigned the user to a document.

  1. The QlikView 10 Server Reference Manual describes:

    "The ODBC database has to have two table, or two views, one for entities and one for groups.The entity table must have the four following fields: entityid, name, descr and email. The fields name,descr and email must be strings. Entityid must be a unique identifier (suitable for primary key).The groups table must contain two fields: groupid and memberid. Together these two fields create a unique identifier."

    Where should the password information be stored? Or how can I login into the QlikView accesspoint?
  2. How are the entities (user information) linked to the groups? What should the field 'memberid' in the 'groups' table contain?

Did somebody manage to get Configurable ODBC to work and login into the accesspoint with a user in the defined entities table?

Gert Jan

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Hi GJ, here are the answer to your questions as of my knowledge on this topic covers,

Where should the password information be stored? Or how can I login into the QlikView accesspoint?

The password informartion is not stored within QV, as a matter of fact, QV does not perform any authentication against LDAP, to configure it, you have to activate custom authentication within the QVS and configure a third party software (APACHE, IIS) to perform the authentication a write a user header readable in QV.

How are the entities (user information) linked to the groups? What should the field 'memberid' in the 'groups' table contain?

The memberid should contain the user identifier (uid) and the 'groups' info should contain the name on the group.

Did somebody manage to get Configurable ODBC to work and login into the accesspoint with a user in the defined entities table?

I haven't been able to make it work with Tivoli LDAP, although I think is a bu beacuase all parameters are correctly configured and the odbc does not seem to read them well, because most of them render to null.

I'm enclosing a QT document that teach you how to authenticate against LDAP.
