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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Is there any chance of having the old community site back online please?


I don't regularly post on the Qlik community but as a Qlik Developer it is an invaluable daily resource for reference

I have hundreds of bookmarks which now don't work, instead I get a very nice message telling me to check my URL for typos 🙂

The user experience on the old forum in my opinion was much better, readability and the ability to find a solution quickly was much easier.

Also did I miss something or was the community asked/told about the move to a new format?

I'm sure I'm not the only one with these issues?  

29 Replies

Hi @Gethyn

Which link are you using/trying to access? 

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Creator III
Creator III

I agree with @Harry_M that this new community website, though definitely better looking, has some readability issues. Of course some of that will get better with time, but some points of feedback:

- It feels like it can be quite difficult to get to where you want to be. I think one thing that could help with this would be to collapse all the Sense related topics when clicking 'Read More' in the Qlik products section on the front page. That way I don't have to do it manually or scroll past them to get to the page I want.
- I don't know if everybody feels the same, but I kind of preferred threaded comments
- Clicking 'Likes' to see who liked a comment takes you to a different page. I'd rather it just opens a popup like the old forums did
- Not really a readability issue once you get used to it, but I feel like on the front page, the 'Community help' section seems to be getting misinterpreted as 'Get help from the community' and not 'Get help with forum related topics'. I know it's explained underneath, but maybe changing some of the wording here would help in avoiding a ton of scripting related questions in this section.

Overall I do quite like the new community website, and I can tell you guys are doing a great job taking the community's feedback into consideration, thank you so much for doing that. A lot of websites would just tell their users to suck it up and get used to changes.
Creator III
Creator III

@Gethyn I don't think the fix was meant to take you back to the old site, the fix just makes it so old links/bookmarks take you to the new community website instead. I don't think there's any way to access the old community website anymore.

And to comment on your second section, @Gethyn without going into too much detail. The old Community was sitting on a very old instance of the Jive platform. A platform that was being sunset and "put to bed". So it was not really a manner of "let's change things because change is good", but rather "this boat is going to be taken out of commission, we better find a new boat". 

We are still very early into the launch, and we're working hard to fix some of the teething issues. But it's out absolute goal and aim to have this Community continually improved to offer up a great experience for all of you. 

Constructive feedback is always welcome!


All the best


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Hi Mattias,


I was trying the one by Franky_h79 which is marked as a solution. I replaced qlik in the url with qlikview and have tried both http and https.






Hello again 

The re-routing from any is what we're currently trying to fix. 

Items from the old should be working now. But we still have to implement the fix for the "" links. 


best regards


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Hi Mattias,


I get it that that version of Jive is dead, I'm just not convinced that using a social media platform is the best solution for a tech community.


Hello again @Gethyn

I don't perceive Lithium to be a social media platform at all. It's one of the industry leading Community platforms and it's being used by a wide range of companies world wide, both technical and non-technical. 

We have to ensure we capture the needs and missing features our customers and Community users desire. So that's the work we are setting out to accomplish once these initial teething issues are  out of the way. 


All the best



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Hopefully you will resolve all of the issues. BTW it does look good on a small screen device (iPhone, iPad etc) but that is not the way I, and probably many developers, choose to use it. We generally have multi screen setups and like to have the community on one of those screens if looking for, or providing, solutions. This would often involve uploading or downloading qvw, pdf, excel files etc, which you would not do from the mobile device. The layout of the screens are a little frustrating and quite wasteful of space on a large screen and involves a lot of scrolling. Probably about  1/3 to 1/2 of the horizontal space on a large 1920 x 1200 screen is wasted with white border, it would be nice if the content would dynamically resize to fit the available space.