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Qlik Community Office Hours - Bring your Ideation questions- May 15th, 11 AM ET: REGISTER NOW
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Chart idea

Hello Qlik Community,

I am trying to represent data on a graph, but I don't know what to use. This is the situation;

I have people interacting at different events during the lifetime of a process, say the events are called  A ->B ->C->D.

I want to represent those data using the graph which will show us:

1) How many interact in A (easy bit here)

2) How many interact in A and B (Basically A union B)

3) How many interact in A, B and C (A union B union C)

4) How many interact in A, B, C and D (A union B union C union D)

While I was successful in doing this using set analysis, I can only do this in Text Boxes requiring users to read. I wanted to know if anyone was ever able to represent that graphically. Thanks for any comment.

2 Replies
Master III
Master III

Look here:

Sort of thing that you may need..

Not applicable

Thanks for that, will have a look