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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Conditional dimension on extension

Hello community,

I'm currently working on QlikView and especially on Extension inside QlikView.

I wanted to ask if it is possible to put condition on each dimension in an extension object.

For example i've got 3 dimensions :

A , B , C

And i want to put a condition on B where the condition is getPossibleCount(A) = 1

and for C the following condition : getPossibleCount(B) < 10

I know it is possible to do this in QlikView Chart (you can put on each dimension a condition) but for extension object i didn't find the option.

So my question is there a workaround to put condition on each dimension ? Or can we implement the option "Condition on each Dimension" inside the extension object (like Chart)  ?

4 Replies
Not applicable

I thnk you can do that in the properties of the extension   (right click on the extension)

Below the field which says "Dimension" there is "Formula".

I guess you can add there your Dimension (click on green plus)

and set the condition. (click on the button on the right side)

Or you can do it in the javascript.

I hope that helps.


Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Are you talking about this field ?

If so this field is not affecting the extension. The checkbox (Filter By Expression) is always unchecked (after i re open the property panel).

Or you can do it in the javascript.

The main goal is to gain performance with extension. So i would like a conditional dimension to request lesser data from QV with the property panel.

Not applicable

Ah sorry I have a diffenent extension.

I thougt it could work with the fx on the top, but it didn't.

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

No problem every tips is usefull for me.

Yout using this field in your extension ?