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"Einfache" Frage - INPUT-Feld im Skript - plz help


this should be quite easy. I think I have done it once, but I don't have much experience in this:

I want to load from a database table only those records that correspond to a number that the user has.

I know it's possible to use a user-input-field in the script, I just don't know exactly where to put it.

In a regular WHERE clause it doesn't seem to work, QlikView seems to be querying the input for every record then.

Can anyone help me here?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,


P.S.: OK, ich kann es wohl auf anderem Weg machen, indem ich erst eine kleine Tabelle lade wie in dem Bsp. in der Hilfe und dann die eigtl. gewünschte Tabelle mit EXISTS-Klausel. Aber wie würde es eigentlich gehen, um den LOAD direkt zu filtern?

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions


I'll just close this thread since the problem at hand is solved.

Another point for QlikView: Compared to our globally standardized BI_tool Crystal_Reports (by SAP), QlikView is

much easier (I don't have any proper training in either) because you can 100% define the order in which certain steps are to be executed and certain data is to be loaded. That way, you can be sure that all data, variables and such are in place before the next step in the script is executed.

In Crystal you cannot do that, all the data is loaded at the beginning - or I don't yet know a way to define it any other way ...

Best regards,


View solution in original post

5 Replies

Perhaps like this

LET vMyVar =  Input('Enter value', 'Input box');


LOAD a,b,c FROM x WHERE y = '$(vMyVar)';

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand

Have you attempt / open any way. If yes, please post those ways then atleast we can try what exactly you are refering?

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Hi Gysbert,

sorry, I wrote the PS in German 😉 I keep mixing up the two.

well, this sounds good - but I had already thought of using a variable. That didn't seem to work, either, QlikView didn't query it at all which I found kind of strange.

Let's see ...


The integrated_help file (in my version which is most probably not the newest one) is such a shame: There are a whole range of typos and translation errors, many pages have a whole list of different functions so you spend a lot of time scrolling and some functions and options - like EXISTS - are just plain wrong - or badly explained:

The help_file led me to believe the 1st parameter to an EXISTS() clause has to be the field to look in and the 2nd the value to look for, but that did not work - I got it working now by turning it around 😉



I'll just close this thread since the problem at hand is solved.

Another point for QlikView: Compared to our globally standardized BI_tool Crystal_Reports (by SAP), QlikView is

much easier (I don't have any proper training in either) because you can 100% define the order in which certain steps are to be executed and certain data is to be loaded. That way, you can be sure that all data, variables and such are in place before the next step in the script is executed.

In Crystal you cannot do that, all the data is loaded at the beginning - or I don't yet know a way to define it any other way ...

Best regards,
