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Values from two fields in same listbox?

Is there anyway I can use an expression or something to put the values of two different fields in the same list box?

4 Replies
Not applicable

=field1 & field2

Not applicable

Sorry, forgot the caveat of from two different tables.

Not applicable

ok, could you precise me if you need to do that in the script or directly in the list? (In the list, it's working)

Not applicable

Create a list box and in the properties, instead of choosing a field name, choose <expression>. Then, in the expression dialog box, try this:    =FIELD1 & ' - ' & FIELD2              then click OK. You will then have a list box that shows all of the combinations of the two field values that occur in the data separated by a hyphen (you can format that any way you like). A single click on the values shown in the list box selects the corresponding value from each of the two fields at once.