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Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Selecting Previous Month Data


I have a table which have the values for some months and also the ids for particular month

In the list box I wanted to show only the values which is current slecton month - 1.

I have created a variable for getting the previous month of current seleciton but stil im not getting any value.

Please help.

2 Replies

I don't understand what you're trying to do. Can you post an example document that demonstrates the problem?

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Contributor II
Contributor II

I've made it defining variables.

Like the following:

LET vMonth_present = Month(AddMonths(Today(),0));      // gives the present month

LET vMonth_prior1    = Month(AddMonths(Today(),-1));     // gives the last month

LET vMonth_prior2    = Month(AddMonths(Today(),-2));     // gives the month before


regards. gustavooooo