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Specialist II
Specialist II

Modifying a text object based on selection

Hi All,

I'm having a little problems trying to figure this out.  I have a text object with the following value.

Company : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I need the x's to be filled in based on my selections.  My selections are a drilldown.  Level1 Company, Level2 service line, Level3 Regions, Level4 Offices,

Any help would be appreciated.

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5 Replies
Creator II
Creator II

I think what you are looking for is:

=[Level1 Company] & ', ' & [Level2 Service Line] & ', ' & …. 

or you could even determine this value in the script:

Load [Level1 Company],

[Level2 Service Line],


[Level1 Company] & ', ' & [Level2 Service Line] & ', ' & …. as [Company],


From ...

Specialist II
Specialist II

What I'm trying to achieve is this:

If they user selects Level1 only, then display Level1.  If the user selects Level1 and Level 2 display Level2, if the user selects Level1,Level2 and Level3 display Level3 and so on......

Creator II
Creator II

= if (getselectedcount([Level4])>0, [Level4],

if (getselectedcount([Level3])>0, [Level3],

if (getselectedcount([Level2])>0, [Level2],

if (getselectedcount([Level1])>0, [Level1], '-'))))

Specialist II
Specialist II

That works great.  One more question before the weekend starts.  I'm using a Cyclic Group for my drill actions.  Do you know if anyway to clear selections as you drill around?

Former Employee
Former Employee

Hey Thom, have a look at this Design Blog, might give you another avenue with further functionality, best I have:


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