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Conditional condition in set analysis :)

Hi everyone,

I am quite new in qlikview. This is my first question in community. Hope to be a question not asked/answered before.

I want to pass some conditions to a dimension, based on selections from an inline load table. Let me give example:

My inline load as follows:



    Tax Choice


    Surcharge Only



My pivot table is:


The dimesion is:

=aggr(Only( {$<DataOrder={1},TaxType=>} [Tax Name]),[Tax Name],[Carrier])

I want to pass TaxType conditions based on Tax Choice table. For example: if "Excluded" is selected as Tax Choice then none of tax should be returned, if "Surcharge Only" selected then TaxType={'Surcharge'} will be returned, if "Total" is selected then TaxType={'Surcharge','Others'} or TaxType= will be returned.

I tried some ifs but I couldn't achieve.

Thanks for helpful answers.

5 Replies
Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II


Your system is way too complex.

Just change your dimension. Use "TaxChoice" as a dimension.

(Calculated dimension is not a good practice and Aggr() function should be used as a last resort).

Not applicable

Thank you for your reply Vivien, but;

I am using 10 different tables in my dashboard. Sometimes, i need to calculate dimesions, because some dimensions of my objects are not selectable by user. I need to show a dimension from a table based on a conditions of a dimension from another table and this dimension is not selectable by user it is defined by me.

I do not know any options to select my desired results without user's direct interaction.

TaxChoice is a "choice" but does not equal to my TaxType column by means of merging two tables.

Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II



     Dimension, Selection_total, Selection_surcharge_only

    Tax Choice,,


    Surcharge Only, Total, Surcharge Only

    Others, Total,


What about this ? With this 'inline', you create 2 lists of selection : Selection_total, Selection_surcharge_only ; each list only contains one value. It is like a button for users.

Not applicable

Hi vivien,

I feel that this is the correct approach to this problem, but I coulnd't get it easily.

You can see the TaxType column in data. Then, let us load inline table. So, how do these tables merge without having same columns?

Can you give more detailed explanation please.


Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

You just need to change the column name .