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Creator III
Creator III

Chart Properties: Ranking Columns

Hi All,

Easy one I reckon but I actually cant find the answer!

I have a chart pivot table and I have used 2 Dimensions but I want to rank the chart by the highest expression Ive used (YTD Total).

How do I do this?

Im in Chart Properties -> Sort -> ??

Many thanks

3 Replies
Master II
Master II

try, from sort tab by selecting ur expression & expression check box.


sort exp.PNG

else use dimensions limit.

Not applicable

You don't need the Sort Tab. You need to look at the Dimension limits TAB and  check the restrict which values are displayed and then you can set your desired output.

Remember to uncheck Show others if you do not wish to show the values that do not belong to your setup.

quick view by default groups all the values that are out of your setup as one chunk and calls them others.

hope this helps.


try with the dimension limit or sort by DESC order on the expression..