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Creator III
Creator III

Bug report QV9

Can we post all bugreporting in this post?

13 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

Delete jobs in QVS/QVP 9

When you delete a document that has a shuelde. I's still showing in QVP

bugID # 23197

Not applicable

Hi Johan

Bugs won't be picked up by QlikTech from this forum, you would be better off sending an email to Support@Qliktech.Com


Creator III
Creator III

Yes i know, but i mean if you have submitted one i'ts nice to share with others.

Se my post. Mayby i's a help for others?

Not applicable

In that case, my apologies, I think its a great idea it would certainly help me to have a heads up on bugs that I don't know about.

The support people very occasionally distribute a QVW which contains all known "public" bugs, have you ever received one on those?

They have also recently launched the beta Customer Portal which is designed to allow access to bugs lists, but I'm still not sure if this will provide on-line access to every registered bug.


Creator III
Creator III

Another One: (The bugid is "bug 22330)

I've just started to play with QVServer 9 and the first thing I'm looking into is replicating our loading that we are currently doing in Publisher Standard 8.5 and I don't see how I can do it.

I have a number of QVW files that are dependant on other QVWs being loaded first (QVWs that create QVDs)

In Publisher Standard I was able to set the order of the load tasks, but in v9 it looks like all QVW files are independant of the others.

Hopefully I'm missing something. Any ideas?

Champion III
Champion III

Yeah, setting up a sequence of tasks appears to be more complicated in version 9. I believe you have to set up dependencies (this task can only run once this task has completed) rather than just saying which tasks should be executed in which order. I've barely touched version 9, and am just going on what I've heard about version 9 publisher. If I get the gist of it, in a way it is simpler and more flexible than version 8.5, as you don't have to sequence tasks yourself. But in practice, even with hundreds of tasks executing on our server, we had no problem sequencing them ourselves. So in practice, it looks like version 9 is going to be more work for us. We're not particularly happy about the change either, but we'll see how it plays out.

Creator III
Creator III

Very strange behaivor when you are addning a QVD file in the scipt. It will add the binary load in the top of the document.

Champion III
Champion III

Are you using a wizard? Do you mean when you add a QVW file instead of a QVD file? If you load from a QVW file, it has to be a binary load, and the binary load has to be the very first statement in your script. So it is no surprise that it would put it at the top of the document if that's what you meant. If you really meant loading from a QVD, that's one I've never heard of.


Bug 21786: Different enumeration of User documents in QMC and QEMC

QEMC is not showing all user documents which are shown by QMC.

Resolved with SR1.