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Block chart performance issue in QV9

Hi Everyone,

I have created pie chart and block chart with the same dimension and expression. Pie chart is opening up very fast( around 6 seconds) but block chat is opening very very slow(around 2 minutes). Users liked the block chart so they want to keep the block chart insted of pie chart. But block chart is giving performance issues. Is it known bug in QV9 ? or any suggestions?

Thanks for the help in advance

9 Replies
Not applicable

Do you have any calculated dimension in your block chart? If yes, can you create this calculated dimension in the load script instead?



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Can you post the expression(s) used in the charts? That sounds very slow even for the pie chart.

Not applicable

I dont have any calculated dimensions. Here is the expression i am using.



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Hi all,

I am working on this same issue ... the dimension being used consists of over 150k possible values. So I have retained the same dimension while using the replacement expression.. count([Net Sales]). Even the expression as simple as this takes the block chart long to be drawn. What also has not been posted is that the chart's expression calc time finished within seconds, but it is the plotting of the blocks into the chart that is being delayed dramatically. I have tried replacing with another dimension that consists of 1050 possible dimension values and the chart's performance increases dramatically. Other dimensions with much lower values were used and the performance was much better. Since I suspect that the issue lies when the values for the dimension are extremely large, then I also tried another customer name dimension that exceeds 300K values... This made the chart scream in agony! Please provide any thoughts on this.



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

I don't have any ideas but I can reproduce the behavior you are reporting on both V10 and V9. When using a large amount of dimensions, the pie paints relatively quickly and the block chart takes forever, even though both are limted to 10 blocks/slices.

I'd recommend taking this up with Support if you have not done so already.

Not applicable

We just now have escalated this issue to support. Thanks for verifying!


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To all who have shown interest on this post...

As per the last post from me Simonc951 on Mar 3, 2011 9:17 PM of escalating to QlikView Support and as a result of this interaction...  in hopes to shed light to the issue at hand, the following response was provided...


Unfortunately the issue as described below has been rejected by our QA

department as a WAD (Works As Designed), ID 36876.

The developer assigned to this case has said the following:

This behaviour is due to the fact that we are trying to sort a large

number of values to determine which ones will be displayed, in version

8.5 there was a bug that we only used a limited cube (first 500 rows)

and the check for when we needed the full cube was never made for



If further details are required for this, please request and I will attempt to refer to the original email interactions to determine if further details are available.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

I've retsted in QV10 SR3 and the performance seems about the same for Pie and Block now. What version are you using?


Not applicable

I too am using QlikView Version 10 SR 3 and still encounter the slowness in performance when the number of dimension values increase.  I have attached an example QlikView app and an Excel source to display this performance issue.  If it can even be considered and issue?