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Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Add varaible content to tablebox


I've a variable vFields=A,B,C. I want to create a table box with varaible contents. A,B ,C are the fields in my script. I tried the below code to achive this but it is not working. Here vCatchCount holds the count of vFields(i,.e vCatchCount=substringcount($(vFields,',') it returns 2.

sub AddToTableBox

     set val=ActiveDocument.Variables("vCatchCount")

     set vFields=ActiveDocument.Variables("vFields")

      set TB = ActiveDocument.Sheets("Main").CreateTableBox

     for i=0 to val.GetContent.String

                  TB.AddField vFields.Item(i).Text


end sub

- The above code works when we tried with fields data.

For Eg:

sub AddToTableBox

set val=ActiveDocument.Fields("F1").GetPossibleValues

set TB = ActiveDocument.Sheets("Main").CreateTableBox

for i=0 to val.Count-1


TB.AddField val.Item(i).Text


end sub

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Hi Jagan,

As far as I know you cannot treat a variable as an array, so you cannot use the code 'vFields.Item(i).Text'.

Try doing this:

1. Before the for loop, create an array:

ArrFields = split(vFields.GetContent.String, ",")

2. Replace the code inside the for loop:

TB.AddField ArrFields(i)

This code should work but I haven't tested it, so you may have to do some adjustments...

Hope this helps you. Regards,


View solution in original post

5 Replies
Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Hi Jagan,

As far as I know you cannot treat a variable as an array, so you cannot use the code 'vFields.Item(i).Text'.

Try doing this:

1. Before the for loop, create an array:

ArrFields = split(vFields.GetContent.String, ",")

2. Replace the code inside the for loop:

TB.AddField ArrFields(i)

This code should work but I haven't tested it, so you may have to do some adjustments...

Hope this helps you. Regards,


Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III


Thanks for your help. But it is not working when i give more than 3 contents in variable.

For eg:


sub SeleccionarCampos


        set val=ActiveDocument.Variables("vCatchCount")

        set vBookMark=ActiveDocument.Variables("vFields")

        set TB = ActiveDocument.Sheets("Main").CreateTableBox

        ArrFields = split(vFields.GetContent.String, ",")

            for i=0 to val.GetContent.String

'                 msgbox(ArrFields(i))

                 TB.AddField ArrFields(i)


end sub

- But  when i comment the createtablebox code and addfield code. Then it displays all contents through messagebox. But not able to add filds.

Not applicable


See if the attached sample can help you.


Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

BlackRockS / Fernando,

Actually the fernando code is working good. But i forgot to add other fields in script(i.e D,E,F...).

BlackRockS your code is also good.

Can anyone of you help me on this Thread

Thanks a lot...

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III


Can you solve this thread plz.. it is related to above post.