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Warning on scheduled job: "QlikView Engine isn't responding to close command, it will be killed"

I see this in the scheduled job logs:

(+++  06:05:41) Information: Closing the document.

(+++  06:06:01) Warning: Could not request the QlikView Engine process to quit.

(+++  06:06:01) Warning: The QlikView Engine isn't responding to close command, it will be killed (Please ignore logged errors about the kill).

(+++  06:06:01) Information: Closed the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=+++

Its just a warning - do I need to watch out for anything?

20 Replies
Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Hi Ashar,

Might be that you were running out of resources. I would check if you had a lot of tasks running and/or if CPU/RAM/Disk was overutilized.



Not applicable

Hi Ashar,

This can happen if you have very large documents handled by the QlikView Engine.

However there is a possibility to modify the time the Distribution Service will wait for the document to close.

Open the config file for the Distribution Service ([Install path]\QlikView\Distribution Service\QVDistributionService.exe.config) and modify/add the setting "SECONDSTOWAITBEFOREQVBKILL".

Default value should be 16. 

Example where it has been changed to one minute:


Not applicable

Resources don't seem to be an issue. The job finished fine, data was loaded, but it didnt close properly.

Not applicable

Thanks. I will try that.

Not applicable

Hi Ashar,

We are facing the same problem as you had. We installed 11.20 SR3.

Did the proposed solution of adding/modifying the key, solve the problem? Which QV release are you working with?

Thanks in advance for your reply

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

There is an updated version  of the server 11.20 SR7. Maybe we should think about upgrading?

Not applicable

Thanks Alexander, didn't think about that yet. But now we will considder.

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Update is not difficult. In most cases just run the update installation.

But in complex cases, you must first uninstall the server and only then install a new one. Thus necessarily save directory c:\program data\qliktech, all folder folder with your QVW.

Not applicable

I've also seen this happen when you have more tasks running concurrently than engine slots, so would also have a look at your schedule perhaps too
