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User sees No User Documents in Access Point when he has security granted for them.

I have set up a user on the QlikView Management Console to have access to two different dashboards. However, when I publish and distribute the dashboards he gets the messge No User Documents on the web QlikView Access point. His security and CAL license are correct. If I delete his user name and add him again and republish the dashboards, he can then see them on Accesspoint.

I have the dashboards loads scheduled each morning to run, so doing this every day is not acceptable. Any idea why he is not able to see the dashboards he has been granted access too? Any help would be appreciated.

2 Replies

see, Lots of reason behind this problem like

1) Whether User assigne based on NTName or User ID. If it is based on NTName then whether it is in Same Domain or Not

2) Authorization to User to access document

3)Usage proper Mouted Folder For Publish



Not applicable

His domain and username are showing up correctly in the source documents. If I publishe it two or three times he can eventually see it.. It's almost like a bug