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set analysis with E() or P()

Hello to everybody,

I'm not able to write the correct syntax for two expressions with set analysis.

You can see esempio_eng.qvw in attach.

The theme of the analysis is the following: count the items in the store on different dates.

Each collection is identified by: a [Cod Rilevazione], it is detected on a particular [Data Rilevazione] and has a [progressivo] value.

In the associative cloud there is a table: "ANAGRAFICA_PREC" which contains for each detection the previous detections.

In the pivot table: "Delta ModelliI wish that the expression "Nuovi articoli" were counted only those items that were NOT detected in the previous collection .

For "the previous survey" means that the previous column in the pivot table. That depends on the user's selections.

The expression that I wrote:

sum({$< [Cod Articolo] = E({1< progressivo = {$(=before(progressivo))} >} [Cod Articolo]) >} UnitaArticolo)

is wrong because it returns the same results of  "Articoli rilevati".

In the pivot table: "Incidenza Articoli" I wish that the expression "%" calculate the relationship between the items present in both the detection current is in the previous survey, divided the items in the current detection.

The expression that I wrote:

sum({$< [Cod Articolo] = P({< progressivo = {$(=min(progressivo))} >} [Cod Articolo])  * P({< progressivo = {$(=min(progressivoPrec))} >} [Cod Articolo]) >}  UnitaArticolo)  / sum(UnitaArticolo)

is wrong because, given a certain current detection, returns the same value for all of its previous.

Have you got any idea about solutions?

Thanks in advance.


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