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Creator III
Creator III

Select options from different dimensions - like "lock" - is this possible?

Hi all

I have a number of dimensions

For example:

Location = location A or Location B or Location C

LocationType = Z or  Y or x

Length of string = <2 or > 20

Users say they mainly want to use (But off course not always) Location = location A, LocationType = Z and Y, Length of string >20

I can set these "defaults" by using the Triggers in a particular sheet and then clicking "lock"  but I dread having to write the instructions for this.  Is there a easy solution for doing this?  Should I use Lock Field in triggers???

What this LOCK seems to do is to lock the the selections which have already been made?

This seems like a good solution - as I will only need to tell users to "unlock" -

Seems too easy ...  any problems I should watch out for?  I still need to set up an instruction page ...


2 Replies
Partner - Master III
Partner - Master III

why don't you each the users to create bookmarks

this seems like the perfect scenario for bookmarks

Creator III
Creator III

Thank you Liron

I had forgotten about bookmarks!

But I do like the "lock" as it makes the selections look different so the user should actually be able to "see" what is happening and fairly easy to take the lock off.
