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Problem with creating time groups for time intervals


I hope that somebody could help me here in the forum with my problem. I have no ideas anymore why it is not working.

Problem with Time Groups

Description: I would like to create a timewindow with 4 different values for the reaction time:
Reaction time = ReactionTimestamp - StartTimestamp

Group1 ==> 0 - 10 sec.
Group 2 ==> 10 - 20 sec.
Group 3 ==> k.A. (where the ReactionTime is ' ' (empty)
Group 4 ==> > 20 sec.

I have tried nearly every possibilities, different formats in script and different if-Statements, but QlikView does not recongnize my reactiontime correctly I think so.

I hope somebody could give me a solution for my problem? Please use my attached .qvw file for a solution.


Kind regards,


3 Replies
Creator III
Creator III


The problem is solved,you are not getting the correct results because in the IF condition u had given while checking the condition u have given values in Single Quotes so it is treating them as characters i.e the output is not coming properly.I removed those single Quotes and tried i got the correct result as per you expexted,please find the attached file for your reference.......



Not applicable


Thanks for your response, I have already tried your solution before, now the row Nr. 1 and 4 which where false in my .qvw file are correct, but now the row Nr. 2 and 3 are false. Here are the results how it should be in the field "ReactionWindow"

Row 1: ==> 0 - 10 sec.

Row 2: ==> > 20 sec.

Row 3: ==> 10 - 20 sec.

Row 4. ==> k.A.

So this solution does not work, maybe there are other ideas?

Thanks for helping me.



Not applicable


I think I have found a solution for my problem for my own and I want to share it now. Thanks to ajay for the help with the mapping for the null value ==> k.A.

What was the problem:

I got the reactiontime with this code ==> and the problem was the interval format

interval(ReactionTimestamp - StartTimestamp,'s.f') as ReactionTime

Now I changed it to this with 2 seconds and it works I think so absolutely corretly, I have to test it in my real application.

interval(ReactionTimestamp - StartTimestamp,'ss.f') as ReactionTime

But I don*t understand whats the big difference, I tought that when I use as format s.f ==> than it makes no sense how many seconds are in front, if there are 3 or 30 or 300? Maybe somebody could give me an explanation for this, that would be great?

Thanks for your help.



