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Macro functions

Hi ,

I want to use macro functions and I need help.

I created a button, so I want that only a part of data will be displayed after I push the button.

The field by which I would like to make selection is called 'Seat'.



8 Replies

Hi Inna,

You don't need a macro to get that functionality. When you create a button, go to the button properties, Actions tab, Add a new one, type Selection, action Select in Field, Field is set to Seat and Search String to whatever you want to search for. Note that you can use expressions if you need to.

As a general best practice rule, always use actions instead of macros, when possible.

Hope that helps.


Not applicable

You can create a button and write a macro in add action option....

Not applicable

Hi Miguel,

I can't write search string , because I have a sheet with a lot of data:table with many columns ,list boxes etc.

So in this occurence how can I write this selection?





If I got the question right, you want to make some selections in the field Seat. If that is corrrect, you can set as search string


Or use the Concat() function to get as many values as you need.

='(' & Concat(DISTINCT FieldWithValues, '|') & ')'

If this does not help, please post some sample data and what you expect to see to make sure we get it right next time.

Hope that helps.


Not applicable

Hi, no this is not the question.

I have data display in Qlikview model like in the file attached.

I want to add a button near button yesterday.

The new button will act as following: when I press it only M1 data (yearmonth,imps) will be displayed (like in the file in explanation).

Hope now it is clear.




Hi Inna,

I'm afraid I'm missing something here. If the field is called Seat, and so it seems after looking at the file attached, if you select the value M1 you will see the corresponding value for impressions, just as if you do clicking on the M1 cell in the chart.

Is that right?


Not applicable

Right, Miguel:)

But users want a separate button for that...



So, the thing now is to find out which values the users have to see and how many buttons do you want for them. I think that this can be achieved using actions instead of macros, but let's see...
