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How do you add a map to an existing QV?

I want to add a map to an existing QV file. I want the map to reflect error percentages, but instead of by city, state or country, I'd like it to show percentages by regions. I have attached a dummy QV file and spreadsheet. My spreadsheet only has region and error columns, but I could further define countries in each region if that's necessary. The sample data looks very bare and simplified because I deleted a lot of private company information.

I have looked up tutorials on using maps extensions (e.g. google maps), but every time I try to copy sample loadscripts, I have encountered errors. I have the latest version of QV 11 and would like a step by step guide on how to build a map with this data, including what to type in the loadscript if possible.

5 Replies
Master II
Master II


The simplest approach is to use scatter chart with a map image as background.

So you have to implement two simple things: display your data on scatter chart properly; choose background image.

As for your data there are no point coordinates to plot scatter chart.

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Hi Katrina,

take a look at this post

Qlikblog » [Desenvolvimento] Qlikview e Google Maps (Atualizado 2013)

best regards

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Thank you for your help, but that's not what I need. I want to be able to view a map dynamically and not just create a visual with plotted points overlaid on a map image. Thanks for responding though!

Master II
Master II


It's the next level of complexity. Dynamic map is the same scatter chart using corresponding coordinates projection and min/max expressions. In addition QV can get corresponding background image dynamically from some map web service (google maps api).

Not applicable

Thank you! Is there a way to create maps without latitudes and longitudes? If I have thousands of points to plot on a map, I would have to have a longitude and latitude for each data point wouldn't I?