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Enter userid in section access in 11.2 SR2


I'm openning my .qvw document from IEplugin for this I use a url with the following format:


this is oppening the document, however, inside the .qvw document when I try to get the userid using the system function QVuser( ) I get an empty string. This was working fine before the upgrade from 11.2 SR1, has this changed in the latest version?

As far as I know QVuser( ) should return the name of the user as entered in the section access, how can I check if it is correctly entered in the section access using QMC?

Thanks in advance for any help!

2 Replies


Try OSUser()



Not applicable

Hi Ariel,

Thanks for your answer, also tried with OSuser() but as far as I could read in documentation:

OSuser( ) Returns a string containing the name of the current user as returned by the operating system.

QVuser( ) Returns a string containing the name of the current QlikView user as entered in a section access.

When I use OSuser() I get the user name I use to get the ticket, which happens to be different to the one I'm sending through the url.

I think I can only read the "userid" parameter from the url. Is there some way to do this without using a macro? (this because ofclient requierements).