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Bubble Chart

CityYearPopulationLife ExpectancyNumberOfParks

How can a bubble chart be made with Year as Dimensions, and showing the relationship of Population with Life Expectancy and NumberOfParks. It would be great if count of occurrences of Life Expectancy being greater than 78 and NumberOfParks being greater than 2 can be shown in the form of bubble size.

For example, Displaying Population on X-axis and showing two bubbles (one corresponding to Life expectancy and other corresponding to NumberOfParks) whose size increase with count of occurrences of Life Expectancy being greater than 78 and NumberOfParks being greater than 2.

6 Replies

please explain a bit more and add a draft the required representation

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So you only want those bubbles to be greater that have over 78 life expectancy and more than 2 parks?

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I don't think that you can separate them like that. Altough what you can do is, that you make an additional column, where the expression is such that it contributes a huge valu when meets your forementioned criteria. This way, if you represent this column, those values will be much bigger than the others. This solution doesn't reach what you have aimed for, it's just make the difference much more visible. Anyone have any other idea?

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Please see my attached sample. Please consider the scatter chart which represents relation between population and NumberOfParks over the years for a particular city (Please make sure a city is always selected). I have represented NumberOfParks at Y=1 in the form of bubbles. There are two issues now:

1) Right now the size of bubbles represent the value of NumberOfParks at a particular Year. Instead it should represent how many times NumberOfParks has exceeded (or equal) a threshold (2 in this case) till this Year. For example, For City A, bubble for Year 2001 should be of size 1. For 2002, it should be 2, because this would be the second time observation for NumberOfParks to have crossed threshold.

2) Similar to NumberOfParks case represented at Y=1, Life Expectancy case should be represented at Y=2. It should again be in the form of bubbles with size depending on threshold (78 in this case).

Note: !Separate colored representation for Years is not compulsory.

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Please see my attached sample. Please consider the scatter chart which represents relation between population and NumberOfParks over the years for a particular city (Please make sure a city is always selected). I have represented NumberOfParks at Y=1 in the form of bubbles. There are two issues now:

1) Right now the size of bubbles represent the value of NumberOfParks at a particular Year. Instead it should represent how many times NumberOfParks has exceeded (or equal) a threshold (2 in this case) till this Year. For example, For City A, bubble for Year 2001 should be of size 1. For 2002, it should be 2, because this would be the second time observation for NumberOfParks to have crossed threshold.

2) Similar to NumberOfParks case represented at Y=1, Life Expectancy case should be represented at Y=2. It should again be in the form of bubbles with size depending on threshold (78 in this case).

Note: !Separate colored representation for Years is not compulsory.

Not applicable

For your first point:

1. In this case you should make an expression in your object that analyses the number of times your field values (NumberOfParks, LifeExpectancy), and add that as your expression (because you also want to rrepresent the others, give them a constant value, for example 1).

2. I am not sure I understand you clearly, but I think under Y=1 and Y=2 you mean the X (Y=1) and the Y(Y=2) axis. If it is so, you can make LifeExpectancy to be on the Y axis by changing it's order in the dimensions tab.

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