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Contributor III
Contributor III

Accumulative Chart


I would like to create an accumulative chart to compare Budget and Actual data.

The Budget data includes data per month, while the actual data is managed in iteration level, which means that 2 iterations can be related to the same month.

I am using RANGESUM and ABOVE functions to create the accumulative chart to show the actual vs. budget for each iteration.

I can't find the way to get the accumulated amount of budget only once per each month, since my dimension is Iteration.

For the attached example:

Accumulate Budget should be:

for iteration 3: 600

for iteration 4: 900

for iteration 5: 900

and %act Vs. Budget should be updated accordingly.




1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Partner - Master III
Partner - Master III

have a look at the attach application 


View solution in original post

2 Replies
Partner - Master III
Partner - Master III

have a look at the attach application 


Contributor III
Contributor III

Thanks, Liron

It works perfectly!