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QDC Capabilities

Hi everyone,

I'm looking to deploy a Qlik Sense site to AWS and currently exploring the QDC to do that. I went through the documentation and the different settings available when creating sites and adding nodes on AWS, but there still a few questions I couldn't find answers to in the documentation. I'd appreciate any help to address these.

  1. When QDC creates multi-node sites, does it create a Windows domain and add all the nodes to the domain or does it use a workgroup?
  2. How can one specify that the EBS volume used with the AWS instance hosting the node is encrypted?
  3. How can one automatically associate created proxy nodes with an AWS Elastic Load Balancer?
  4. Does QDC provide any backup/restore capabilities?
  5. What exactly is the "AWS service user"? Is that a user that exists already or one that will be created by QDC using the name/password provided?

To clarify question 4, the documentation recommends that the user used to run the Qlik Sense service be a domain user. This is so that attempting to restore a backup created by this user to a new machine would succeed since local users would have different names on different machines. So, I'm trying to understand whether this user needs to be created on a directory before using as the service user or if QDC uses local user accounts instead.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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