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Contributor III
Contributor III

Load data from multiple sheets from single excel file and store each sheet into QVD dynamically

Hello All,


I am trying to load data from multiple sheets from single excel file and store each sheet into QVD dynamically.

i am using below code


FOR EACH file in FileList('lib://Qlik/*.xlsx');

//In order to get the file information from SQLtables command making use of the ODBC connection format
ODBC CONNECT32 TO [Excel Files;DBQ=$(file)];


FOR i = 0 to NoOfRows('tables')-1
LET sheetName = purgeChar(purgeChar(peek('TABLE_NAME', i, 'tables'), chr(39)), chr(36));
Load * ,
FileBaseName()as FIle,
FileDir() as Dir,
FileName() as File_Name,
'$(sheetName)' as Sheet_name
From $(file)(ooxml, embedded labels, table is [$(sheetName)]);




I am getting connection not found error at ODBC CONNECT32 TO [Excel Files;DBQ=$(file)];


Can you please help me to understand what does "ODBC CONNECT32 TO [Excel Files;DBQ=$(file)];" do and how to create one in my Qlik sense app.


Thanks in advance

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