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All saminea_ANZ's Badges

saminea_ANZ has earned 18 badges!
  • First Solution
    First Solution
    Earned by 9,385
    Congratulations for your first solution!
  • Give Credit
    Give Credit
    Earned by 23,669
    Congratulations on giving your first like!
  • New Avatar
    New Avatar
    Earned by 12,620
    Congratulations on updating your avatar!
  • Solution and Like Received
    Solution and Like Received
    Earned by 7,725
    Congratulations on receiving a like and a solution!
  • Well Liked
    Well Liked
    Earned by 6,431
    Congratulations on receiving 5 likes!
  • 5 Likes Given
    5 Likes Given
    Earned by 7,905
    Congratulations on awarding your 5th Like!
  • 5 Replies Authored
    5 Replies Authored
    Earned by 13,416
    Congratulations on creating your 5th reply!
  • 5 Solutions Authored
    5 Solutions Authored
    Earned by 1,700
    Congratulations on authoring your 5th solution!
  • 10 Likes Given
    10 Likes Given
    Earned by 4,574
    Congratulations on awarding your 10th Like!
  • 10 Replies Authored
    10 Replies Authored
    Earned by 8,514
    Congratulations on creating your 10th reply!
  • 10 Likes Received
    10 Likes Received
    Earned by 3,771
    Congratulations on receiving your 10th Like!
  • 25 Likes Given
    25 Likes Given
    Earned by 2,025
    Congratulations on awarding your 25th Like!
  • 25 Replies Authored
    25 Replies Authored
    Earned by 4,520
    Congratulations on creating your 25th reply!
  • 50 Likes Given
    50 Likes Given
    Earned by 1,015
    Congratulations on awarding your 50th Like!
  • 50 Replies Authored
    50 Replies Authored
    Earned by 2,647
    Congratulations on creating your 50th reply!
  • 100 Likes Given
    100 Likes Given
    Earned by 494
    Congratulations on awarding your 100th Like!
  • 250 Likes Given
    250 Likes Given
    Earned by 194
    Congratulations on awarding your 250th Like!
  • 750 Likes Given
    750 Likes Given
    Earned by 71
    Congratulations on awarding your 750th Like!