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Share Bookmarks with other users

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Share Bookmarks with other users

In a published app bookmarks can be

- base bookmarks (visible for all users) or

- private bookmarks (only visible for the owner)


Bookmarks should be shareable between users:

- promote private bookmark to community bookmark

- share bookmark with defined other, selectable users

Contributor III
Contributor III

You can actually already do this using security rules, for example the below will allow users to see other users bookmarks and stories if they prefix it with "SHARED" :

((! and resource.App.HasPrivilege("read") and (resource.objectType = "bookmark" or resource.objectType = "story") and like "SHARED*"  and ("User Group" ))

Although it would be nice to have an in built functionality to share without needing these sorts of rules.

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Thank, I know, but why not to have a standard function as it is the same for sheets?

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Hi John, you´ve closed this idea because of a duplicate which is 

But this is exact this idea. For me it seems that this link is a self-reference. Could you please check?



Former Employee
Former Employee
You are correct. I should have referenced this one: Actually, I meant to close that one and keep this one (yours) open. I will keep things as they are since I have received a few comments about closing items with more "likes" than the ones staying open. In general, we like to keep the oldest reference of a duplicate open. This encourages people to search for an idea prior to submitting an idea.