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SAP HANA Source - Task based CDC artifacts creation

Contributor III
Contributor III

SAP HANA Source - Task based CDC artifacts creation

Enable creation of CDC artifacts on the task level, instead of one per HANA Schema on the endpoint level, overriding endpoint CDC artifacts settings with the task settings for CDC artifacts, when present.

To optimize replication of very large tables which also have a high rate of changes, Qlik professional services  recommendation is to separate those tables in their own tasks with dedicated CDC artifacts.

The current design of configuring CDC artifacts at endpoint level, will quickly become a support overhead and subject to cause production issues, since we might end-up with dozens (potentially +100) endpoint configured for the same very large HANA system.




This is a really good request. I will review this with our SAP and R&D team and let you know.




From now on, please track this idea from the Ideation portal. 

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Explorer II
Explorer II
Status changed to: Closed - Archived