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Improving the Hub & Catalog Navigation

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Improving the Hub & Catalog Navigation

Wouldn't it be great if Qlik built features that have been available in the associative model since the start into the QS SaaS Hub (Catalog)?

I love that I can do a global (wild) search for apps, qvds & other types with similar names and that I can use quick filters such as Owner = Me or Others.

But I'd love to be able to specify a filter and then view those objects that I have excluded.

Example. I can filter to quickly see all apps (Type = App) that I own (Owner = You) and of course those that are in my Personal space can be viewed by filtering (Spaces = Personal). But what if I want to see all apps that I own that are not in my personal space? Yes, if I could choose to sort the list by Space then I could relatively easily analyse them. But without the sort option what would be really useful would be to select Space = Personal and then choose Space = <excluded> to see all Spaces other than my Personal.

Standard functionality that all Qlik users should be aware of and used to... but currently not available in the hub 😞 

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