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Easily create powerful custom dashboards in Cloud Hub

Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

Easily create powerful custom dashboards in Cloud Hub

"Monitor in Hub" already allows adding of automatically updating chart snapshots in Collections, which can act as powerful personalized dashboards. For example, each team / task could have its own collection that quickly shows all relevant KPIs at a glance, and the user can click each chart to quickly navigate to relevant underlying apps with applicable selections. I would argue this to be the most powerful way to use Cloud Hub for most business purposes.

However, Collections are still very limited in terms of customization options, just a few of these features would make them much better and intuitive (similar features are available for e.g. all online photo albus or Windows start menu tiles):

  1. Support custom sorting of collection items
  2. Support sizing of collections items, perhaps I would like a taller table next to smaller line charts. At first maybe just provide ability to specify number of columns and rows shown (and if total number of items exceed this then scroll vertically). Later provide customizing options similar to Windows start menu tiles ie. different size of tiles, ability to add custom heading rows...
  3. Ability to add custom css for the collection which can be used to hide some elements or make them bigger/word wrap long labels etc. Would be great if I could create a browser bookmark to a collection with URL parameter stating "use collection's custom css and hide all Cloud Hub menus" to make a clean dashboard page. First iteration of this could be just allowing to add a URL parameter that removes Hub menus and another that specifies additional css file that is applied e.g.
  4. Ability to set access rights and share each collection with team members.
  5. Make "Monitor in Hub" even more powerful by storing the hypercube and not just the image, to make it similar to storytelling snaphots, and enabling changing of aspect ratios, visibility of labels and even exporting data of historical snapshot etc. when displaying as part of a collection.
Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

This idea contains multiple feature requests but they do form a whole. Just implementing the first point would be very useful and feel free to break this down to multiple ideas.


I appreciate your submission, Fuki. It's a very interesting concept. We are currently exploring several ways to achieve some of what you have suggested in your post. I'll keep you posted when progress is made.   

Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

Thanks a lot Arturo! I think something like this would be really attractive especially for biggest (=most valuable) customers that have hundreds of apps and sheets, making it quite daunting for users to quickly find all the relevant pieces of information for a specific task.

I also love all the existing features of Cloud Hub, but it can get a bit messy and require a lot of clicks to navigate if you don't know how to customize it to suit your needs. It would be great if I could make curated collections for different user groups, and a live photoalbum kind of experience would be really intuitive for casual users to create their own personalized dashboards.

Having a nice way to combine charts from different apps can also help prevent bad design decisions of cramming all kinds of different data sets it the same data model just because you want to show some charts next to each other. Mashups could also be used for this but they require much more overhead to setup and maintain, and require web coding skills that most Qlik developers don't have.


From now on, please track this idea from the Ideation portal. 

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