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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

show the subtraction column in pivot table


in the attached QVW sample, I have a table which looks as shown in the below image.

Sun table.png

I want to show a pivot table in my dashboard that shows the count of records per each type and year (the current year and the previous year only) then show a column display the subtraction between the two years summing results for each type. The pivot table should looks like that:

Sun table - should be.png

any idea how I can do that.

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

if its is always current Vs Prev then you can do something like this

see the attached

View solution in original post

2 Replies

if its is always current Vs Prev then you can do something like this

see the attached

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Thanks a lot. This is working fine.