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importing pivot format excel in qv

Hi , i am new in qv. i have one issue when i am importing pivot formated excel in qv. After importing excel if i select category AA and Subcategory c then it showing only Apr'14,Aug'14and Oct'14 and H1 2014-15 and Q2 14-15 data but others are not showing. and values are showing wrong. Please help . a sample data i am using this script:

//  If I did things correctly the only thing you have to do is enter the field names

//  of your horizontal and vertical dimensions in the tables HDims and VDims in

//  the correct order and set the variables vSourceFile, vSheet and vType to the

//  correct values for your source excel file.

SET vSourceFile =  'Book12.xlsx'; //  'pivotimporttest2.xlsx'

SET vSheet = '[Sheet1]'; //  '[Sheet1]'

SET vType = 'ooxml'; //  'ooxml'

//  Put the field names of your horizontal dimensions in the HDims table

//  NOTE: Qlikview is case-sensitive, so make sure you don't forget any capitals

//  in your field names.


load * inline [

HDimLevel, HFieldName

HDim1, Account

HDim2, Acc1

HDim3, Year

HDim4, MonthYear


//  Put the field names of your column dimensions in the VDims table

//  NOTE: Qlikview is case-sensitive, so make sure you don't forget any capitals

//  in your field names.


load * inline [





//  Get the number of horizontal and vertical dimensions

LET vHDims = FieldValueCount('HFieldName');

LET vVDims = FieldValueCount('VFieldName');

//  Create vHFieldList as the list of fields of the horizontal dimensions to load


load concat('@' & RecNo() & ' as ' & HDimLevel ,',') as HFieldList

Resident HDims;

LET vHFieldList = peek('HFieldList');

//  Create helper variables for the transformation of the pivot used to create the Levels table

SET vRemoveRows = Remove(Row, Pos(Top, 1));

SET vReplaces = 'Replace(1, top, StrCnd(null))';

for i = 1 to $(vVDims) -1

  SET vRemoveRows =$(vRemoveRows),Remove(Row, Pos(Top, 1));

next i

for i = 1 to $(vHDims) -1

  SET vReplaces = $(vReplaces),Replace($(i), top, StrCnd(null));

next i

Drop table Temp1;

//  Pivot the horizontal dimensions to vertical using the transpose function

//  and add a ColNo field so the table can later be associated with the Results table


LOAD $(vHFieldList),

     rowno()+$(vVDims) as ColNo

FROM $(vSourceFile)

($(vType), no labels, table is $(vSheet), filters(





//  Load the pivot table with the Crosstable function

LET vHeaders = $(vHDims)-1;


CrossTable(ValCol, Amount,$(vVDims))

load * from $(vSourceFile)

($(vType), embedded labels, header is $(vHeaders) lines, table is $(vSheet));

//  Create vVFieldList to use for comparisons in the creation of the ColNo field


load concat('['&VFieldName&']','&') as VFieldList resident VDims;

LET vVFieldList = peek('VFieldList');

Drop Table Temp2, VDims;

//  Add the ColNo field so the table can be associated with the Levels table



load *,

autonumber(RecNo(),$(vVFieldList)) + $(vVDims) as ColNo

Resident CT;

join load * Resident Levels;

drop table Levels;

//  Clean up the intermediate CT table

drop Table CT;

drop field ValCol;

//  Rename the Levels fields to their proper names

HFieldMap: mapping load * resident HDims;

RENAME Fields using HFieldMap;

Drop Table HDims;

2 Replies
Not applicable

gwassenaarstephen-x.redmondsunny‌ please help

Not applicable

stalwar1cleveranjosjagan‌ please help to solve my problem