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Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

how to restrict a variable

sorry for this question, but i need help on this
i have a variable  "z_bestand", which was generated in the script. Now i need to create a variable using the User Interface (Variable List)
i want to restrict the "z-bestand" (total number of customers) to have only customers that bought something. (field: contact_activity = '1' = active, '0' = inactive). This is i want to take only the contact_activity = '1'. I tried with set analysis, but i cannot use an aggregation function because the "z-bestand" is already a stock variable (i.e., a total number). 
num ({$<contact_Activity={'1'}>}{$(z-bestand)}
is there other way to restrict the variable in the user interface variable list? is it possible to use if-statements in the variable list window?
if i restrict in the script, how shall i call the variable "z_bestand" restricting it to take only the "active customers". as it was also created in the last script tab, it may probably will not read the variable
many thanks
1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

You could just select 1 in the field contact_Activity.

If you want to change the z_bestand expression and only want to add contact_Activity={'1'} then change

     LET z_bestand='count({$<';


     LET z_bestand='count({$<contact_Activity={1},';

Selections in fields that don't begin with transaction_ are used for calculating the z_bestand expression, so you can restrict values in these fields by making selections in them.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand

View solution in original post

4 Replies

You could just select 1 in the field contact_Activity.

If you want to change the z_bestand expression and only want to add contact_Activity={'1'} then change

     LET z_bestand='count({$<';


     LET z_bestand='count({$<contact_Activity={1},';

Selections in fields that don't begin with transaction_ are used for calculating the z_bestand expression, so you can restrict values in these fields by making selections in them.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III


contact_Activity is a hidden field. I changed it to %contact_Activity_ID and set the Prefix '%', so that it does not appear in the final result of "z_bestand"

It is not possible to fix the z_bestand with " {$<contact_Activity={1}>}" in the formula.

do you know another way to manipulate the variable?


Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

your first recommendation worked well

thanks a lot


Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

sorry that i disturb you again, i have this concrete case for active members,  i also need to do the same for other cases, for ex. where gender= male or female or unknown or other or where i have to restrict to a condition.

what would you recommend here? lets assume  have to create 20 such cases (variables?)

thanks again!
