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Trigger an action based on another trigger


I have a field by name "Product", i have a listbox to select products.

I am storing the selected products in a variable and passing that variable in a expression in a chart.

i have a select all and clear all button above the chart.

when a user select any product from listbox,it will select that product and store it in a variable.

If a user click on select all button, then it should select all the products (before this, one product was selected in a listbox).

I have written a trigger on Select all button,

select in field : productname

search string : *

here problem is, the user has already selected one product and then tries to click select all button.

it is not selecting all products on click of a button in Ajax View.

if i try to clear that field on some other button then click on Select all, then it works fine.

so i want to trigger an action based on another trigger.

Is it possible to do this?

I have used *, it is not working in Ajax, if one product is selected already.

I tried using '(product1|product2|product3)'  in search string on trigger, it is selecting values but in a chart, it shows no data to display.

because am passing product selection values to a chart.

How can i select all products other than using '*' or using '|'?

1 Reply

You can use only one Select in Field action with as search string: ='(' & concat({1} distinct chr(34) & Product & chr(34), '|') & ')'

Or you can add two actions to your Select All button instead of one:

  1. a Clear Field action for field Product
  2. a Select Possible action also for field Product

Make sure the Clear Field action is on top so it executes before the second action does.

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