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Testing:Bar chart values should be equal to the count of scatter chart values


I've a file which recieved from one of my client. In this application i've a bar chart with 2 dim and 1 exp. Now my task is i need to generate trills scatter chart per each dimension.

Right now i've CoreCavityPx, CoreCavityPY as dimension and 1 exp with set analysis(see in attached file).

In one trills scatter chat i need to display the defects(i.e defectname field) per CoreCavityPx

In another trills scatter chart i need to display the defects(i.e defectname field) per CoreCavityPy.

In both scatter charts i'm taking the expressions as LensposX, LensposY b'coz it gives the positions of diiferent defects. Now the ploted defects in scatter chart should equal to the bar chart values

For eg:

CoreCavityPx  values are 3,4 and there bar chart values are 10,20 respectivly. When i see the scatter chart defects per corecavitypx only 10 defects should be displayed for 3rd value trill and for 4th value with 20 defects.

Can anyone please help me on this. For your informatin i'm attaching my sample qvw file.

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Can anybody help me on this..I want to know whether the above post information is clear or not.