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Set Analysis with expression

Not sure why I can't get this to work...


I want to sum the Det.NetAmt for 1 month prior to my month|year field

Any Ideas? I'm getting an error in set modifier ad hoc eliment list.

Much thanks,


1 Reply

=Sum({$<Det.PostingDate_Month|Year={$(=addmonths(max(Det.PostingDate_Month|Year),-1))}> }  Det.NetAmt)

I noticed a missing closing '}'

Also i suggest enclosing that field name in square brackets  :  []

=Sum({$<[Det.PostingDate_Month|Year]={$(=addmonths(max([Det.PostingDate_Month|Year]),-1))}> }  [Det.NetAmt])

If that doesn't help, maybe try calculating the addmonths() expression in a variable, confirming the variable value and using the variable in the SET MODIFIER. Something like this:

=Sum({$<[Det.PostingDate_Month|Year]={$(vPriorMonth) }> }  [Det.NetAmt])