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Re-sizing Trellis Charts

I suspect I know the answer to this, but I thought I'd ask.

I want to make a trellis chart to show values on three countries (from a list). QV clearly calculates the allowable size of the trellis chart from the number of possibly results...

(Has a think - maybe if I set up an inline table with only the three countries in it, with two fields, country & MajorCountry, then use MajorCountry as the Dimension - hmmm, that didn't work :-()

I understand how to use ctrl-shift to adjust the chart area within the box, but is there a way to force the sizing of the trellis chart?


11 Replies
Champion III
Champion III

You can use a fixed number of rows and columns under the trellis settings.  Is that what you mean?

Not applicable

No, I understand that, but the trellis charts do not scale to fit the size of the area available. I want to make the charts scale to make the most of whatever area I define for the whole group.

Trellis shapes.jpg

Champion III
Champion III

Ah!  That I don't know, and I'm curious myself.  I don't really use trellis charts, but when I've poked at them, I've seen that same problem.  I don't know how to fix it.

Not applicable

I can achieve the Desired when I force the number of rows to be fixed at 1.

Not applicable

Thanks - going to one row gets me much nearer, but not quite near enough.

Never mind, plan B awaits....



Maybe a macro would help with a more dynamic setting of rows and columns in the trellis chart ? e.g.

Set the number of columns to '3' but have a 'vCol' variable that sets a lower value if selections have reduced the number of columns  =if(GetPossibleCount(country)<3,GetPossibleCount(country),3). 

Set up a similar 'vRow' variable with another expression (depending on range expected).

then set up a macro, triggered OnActivate (for the sheet)  and OnAnySelect (for the document) to do the following;

set c=ActiveDocument.GetVariable("vCol")

set r=ActiveDocument.GetVariable("vRow")

set chart = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH01")

set p = chart.GetProperties





chart.SetProperties p

That might give you the layout control you're looking for,



Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III


Although this is an old post, I would like to clarify your reply which is relevant to me right now.

I tried to use your Macro suggestion but it didn't work.

Attached my model, Can you please assist?

Not applicable

Hi Ori Tal,

I was looking the file you sent and the macro works, only you have to configure the trigger on the document.

You should set the action in the variable in the Document Properties options

Attached the new file


Thomas M.

Not applicable


You can simply go to trellis properties and change the number of rows to number of values you want to trellis for (say 2 if you want to trellis for 2 countries) and change number of rows to 1. It worked for me.


Abhinav Garg