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QlikView Server Settings.ini

Hi  everyone,

I am just learning a lot about QV Servers these days, but I have some questions about settings I found in the settings.ini

Is there any kind of overview for possible settings in the settings.ini?

First of all: Thanks in advance for your help!

My questions is regarding following entries, which I cannot really make sense of. Maybe someone can help to clear things up a little:

Alright, here's the first one containing the entries in the Settings.ini I have no idea, what they mean:

PInfoX=[short alphanumeric string] ; PInfoY= [middle alphanumeric string] ; PInfoZ= [long alphanumeric string]

Now the second question:



What does this mean?

Help is very much appreciated, thanks a lot!

Best regards


2 Replies

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No, unfortunately really not entirely: There is a lot of interesting information, no doubt and thanks for that, but I didn't find an explanation of the second part of my questions regarding those specific entries in the Settings.ini

So anyone another link/information/guess?