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QV Publisher sending PDF reports

Hi All

I am having problems trying to get QlikView publisher to distribute pdf reports to users with only the data they are allowed to view. The report is reduced to see an individual users stats but it sends all users reports to everyone rather than just their own.  help would be very much appreciated



1 Reply
Master II
Master II

Well, Section Access isn't applied when distributing reports. To do this, you would need to create a table of users (DOMAIN\USERNAME or USERNAME@DOMAIN) in your data model (linked properly in a way that shows permissions) and then modify your report so it bands over this username field. You would then need to do a loop-and-distribute in Publisher so that it uses this same user field, or a field related to it in the same table, as the recipient of this report. This is actually a fairly complicated process, but check out the Server Reference Manual.

