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QMSEDX Enhanced - Qv12 Triggering EDX through Accesspoint -VBscript

I'm trying to wrap the command inside a vbscript macro and assign it to a button so that the user can initiate the reload/EDX from the dashboard itself.

Sub reload

          dim strServer

          dim strTaskName

          dim strCommand

          dim strReturnValue

          strServer = "xxx.LOCAL"

          strTaskName = "Reload of yyy.qvw"

          strCommand = "\\2013dc\xx\FOLDER\QMSEDX_test\QMSEDX.exe" & _

                                        " -qms=" & chr(34) & strServer & chr(34) & _

                                        " -task=" & chr(34) & strTaskName & chr(34) & _

                                        " -password=1234" & _

                                        " -timeout=600"

          Call CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run(strCommand, 0, True)

          Msgbox("Task Executed")

End Sub

--------End of Code------

Right now the button works if we trigger the button from Acessspoint (IEplugin) in the Qlikview server itself.

But users accessing the QVW through Acessspoint (IEplugin) from their machines are not able to trigger the EDX task on the Qlikview server through the action button.

To run vbscript on the server I've enabled "Allow Macro execution on server", "Allow unsafe macro execution on server" and "Enable server push over HTTP tunnels" on the QMC.

The QMSEDX.exe file is on a shared network path specified above.

Any help would be appreciated.

1 Reply
Contributor II
Contributor II


did you find the solution to this? I am having the same problem.

Thank you,