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Partner - Master II
Partner - Master II

Put a condition on an expression


I got a pivot table with seven expressions; the chart response is slow

I'm wondering if I put a condition on expressions so as they are not calculated at once; i.e. I put a button to enable / disable expressions

So suppose I put if($(condition) =1,1,0) does qlikview calculates this expression in the background

I can walk on water when it freezes
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When you have Qlikview 11 this is possible. Per expression you'll find the checkbox 'conditional' where you can enter your desired condition.

You could connect this to a button or to a listbox or whatever you like...

One example could be that in your loadscript you have a few options

load inline

ShowID whatToShow

1 show everything

2 show only expression 1

3 show only expression 2


and that your conditional expression is like ShowID=1 or 2 or 3

then depending on what you select in your listbox, will be visible