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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Online dashboard stopped working without apparent reason


About a month ago I created a Qlikview dashboard and made it available online in our web portal. Everything worked as it should.

However, today I was informed that when one opens the dashboard online and selects some items in the available list boxes, nothing happened. That is, we have two list boxes (one with dates) and a chart and, in a regular situation, when one makes selections in the list boxes the chart shows that selected situation. Nevertheless, now none of the commands react.

Trying to solve that problem, we got some observations:

- when the dashboard is acessed through the server, it works fine;

- we have other dashboards, very similar to this one in their architecture, that keep working without any problem;

- if we start to click anywhere outside the selection areas and then make the desired selections, the dashboard works fine.

Consequently, we had some ideas:

- checked that the online version had bookmark option disabled;

- checked that the first action the qvw performs is a "clear all";

- implemented a "clear all" action associated with the opening sheet.

Since none of those solutions made the dashboard work fine, like it worked in the beginning, we are running out of ideas on what can be happening. We are using Qlikview Server 11.0 SR1 in a Windows R2008 machine.

We are looking forward your suggestions.

Thank you & Best regards,

João Duarte

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

We upgrade to QlikView 11.8 SR2 and this issue was solved.

View solution in original post

2 Replies
Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

It may be useful to say that this problem occours when we want to select two values in a list box, using CTRL+click.

Have you got any idea on what can be happening? Would it be a known bug?

Thank you & Best regards,

João Duarte

Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

We upgrade to QlikView 11.8 SR2 and this issue was solved.