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OnChange field Trigger to select another field and set value

Sorry, I'm new to Qlikview, so please bear with me.

I have two fields that are similar but different - Item and Model. When someone selects Item = 'ABC123', I'd like it to trigger an event that selects the field Model = 'ABC123' if it exists. Is that possible?

I tried the OnChange Trigger for the field Item but didn't appear to do anything when I tried this and researching this seems to be coming up short. Thanks for any guidance you can offer.

3 Replies
Master II
Master II

maybe like attached.

hope this helps.


Edit: I just learned that my below DOES work, but ONLY when I make the item selection from a chart. When I try to do it via a list box, it only selects model and not item. Do you have any idea why that would be?

Hi Frank,

Thanks. This seems to be on the right path, but when I try to open it up to any selection (not just a hardcoded value), it's not working as I expect:


When I do this, it seems to just set Model = Item, but it keeps item as null. I tried doing OnSelect and OnChange and both seem to give the same result. Do you know what I may be missing to have any selection of Item that will select this value for item and model?

For example, when I select ABC123 for Item, it would select ABC for Item and Model, but when I select ZYX987, it would select this value for Item and Model instead (basically dynamic selection from a large list of items, not just one hardcoded value)


Often there are better solutions as selecting values with any actions. Most obvious is to link the fields already within the datamodel - if this looked not possible it could mean that the kind of the datamodel isn't suitable for your data and requirements (isn't seldom if there are multiple fact-tables and not a star-scheme). Errors and omissions here are often difficult to impossible to solve within the UI.

Another approach would be to make these linking implicitly within expressions and not explicitly on the dimensions. This means something like:

sum({< Model = p(Item)>} Value)

- Marcus