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Contributor II
Contributor II

Modify field value

Hi All,

I would like to change the value of a field.

I have a table with tree filds Cod_customer f, Type, Name
10, AA, Bart
20, BB, Tony
30, CC, Alain

If cod_cutomer = 30 Then
Type = 'AA'
end if

The new value ist available at all my document.

1 Reply
Not applicable

I am not getting your question completely, but will try to answer based on my understanding.

There are 3 fields in your table Cod_customer f, Type, Name

You have to change the 'Type' value when 'Cod_customer' value is 30 else use the default 'Type' value. You can do this by using an if clause while loading the script.

If(Cod_customer=30,'AA',Type) as Type

Let me know if you need more details.
